Internet das Coisas nas empresas: 4 benefícios, exemplos e case de sucesso no mercado

Internet of Things (IoT) in companies: 4 benefits, examples and a case of success in the market

Written by LogAp

The use of the Internet of Things  (IoT) in companies is transforming the business world. The technologies applied to IoT enable the registration, transfer, and management of data that can be used for various purposes.

Whether to monitor the ideal time to maintain a machine, make precise and agile inventory control, or even simply keep track of the entry and exit of employees, it is correct to state that the Internet of Things is here to stay.

However, you may not be convinced about the topic, so we have prepared this special content article to address the 4 main benefits of the Internet of Things in companies.


IoT Benefits for Businesses

In addition to being a desired and useful technology for the end consumer, there are several benefits of IoT for companies. However, we selected 4 items that stand out in this realm, which we will cover in further detail next.

    1. Efficiency gain

Perhaps the main benefit of the Internet of Things in companies is the gain of efficiency in processes. This is because it is common for managers to value maximum efficiency in business management.

Thus, the use of IoT makes it possible to automate tasks through intelligent devices, where data transmission and control of information increases process productivity in general.

Example of IoT in companies for efficiency gain: interconnected devices in a supply chain that track the path of a product and do not require the use of follow-up by human professionals.

    2. Cost reduction

Process efficiency will enable cost reduction in operation, especially when bottlenecks that depend on human interaction are eliminated.

Thus, interactions should happen only when strictly necessary, which can be assessed through machinery sensors that detect equipment failures or some kind of wear, proactively triggering the maintenance team before a major problem occurs. 

By the way, this type of strategy can be seen in the management of alarms of the industry, where we can see the use of devices to detect any type of anomaly in the operation and thus immediately communicate the data to those responsible.

    3. Improved decision making

Data generation also enables an important improvement in business decision-making, based on real data and virtually real-time occurrence.

This item alone, decision making, depending on the company’s branch of operation, can be an important competitive differential, since it enables the business to act more quickly in the prevention and solution of problems

As an example, we can consider managing a smart inventory, where IoT has the function of communicating the low quantity of a product and thus allowing the purchasing team to quickly replace it.

    4. Greater control

Gaining efficiency, reducing costs, and making better decisions are essential for those who want more control in business, as well as greater power of influence over existing and potential customers.

Having more control also means delivering everything that was planned, without negative surprises that allow competitors to occupy a gap left by your company.

In short, the last benefit of IoT for companies concerns the possibility of operating pragmatically according to plans and thus delivering a predictable and scalable result.

An example in this case comes from the company Atria Power, one of India’s largest independent energy producers. From the collection of data from its wind turbines, the IoT-enabled solution sends details about the equipment and environmental conditions that help Atria determine how much energy will be produced in the next 24 hours

Another case of IoT success in companies comes from Amazon and its intelligent inventory management, which entails that, in addition to shipping the product, among other items, everything operates smoothly and efficiently. Watch the video below to see these elements in practice:


Inside Amazon’s Smart Warehouse


Lastly, we also have an example of a tailor-made software developed by LogAp, in which the application of IoT sensors allowed for an accurate monitoring of the 273 conventional, automatic rainfall stations and data collection platforms installed in Rio Grande do Norte State in Northeast Brazil.

Thus, the data helped predict precipitation and track important factors such as humidity, temperature, wind speed and other important indicators for rural producers in the region.

Therefore, the Internet of Things in companies can have fantastic applications to help the market evolve and allow for businesses to work smarter, leanly and, above all, efficiently.

However, although highly desired, the IoT for companies has not yet reached its maximum potential, since the evolution of Industry 4.0 is still underway. At the same time, we are sure that this technology will be crucial for all businesses in the near future.

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