O que é cloud computing e quais seus principais benefícios?

What is cloud computing and what are its main benefits?

Written by LogAp

Cloud computing has become increasingly popular in recent years, offering a wide range of advantages for businesses, including flexibility, scalability, and cost efficiency.

From data storage solutions to artificial intelligence, cloud options are virtually endless. In addition, access to these services can be made from anywhere, which allows for greater mobility and collaboration for work teams.

Want to know what cloud computing is and how it benefits businesses? So, keep reading until the end of this article. Enjoy! 


What is cloud computing?

Cloud Computing is a computing model in which hardware and software resources are provided as services over the internet, without the need for installation or maintenance of one’s own equipment.

In practice, this means that companies can access applications, data storage, and other resources through the Internet, without worrying about the infrastructure behind it.


Benefits of cloud computing

Cloud computing is an area in constant expansion, although it is already consolidated in many companies around the planet. Because the possibilities are great—and the advancement of technology is not always rapid—many businesses have yet to understand the power of cloud computing.

But anyway, what are the main benefits of this technology? Let’s get to know them:


  1. Flexibility

Flexibility is one of the most important benefits of cloud computing, as it allows access to applications and data from anywhere, through a simple internet connection. That means you can work from home, a coffee shop, or anywhere else on the planet.

In fact, the growth of remote work and the globalization of many IT businesses has only been made possible by this capability that the cloud brings.


  1. Scalability

Scalability is the ability to add or remove resources according to storage or processing needs.

This will eliminate the need to invest in expensive infrastructure (i.e. servers, space and specialized personnel) in order to increase the capacity of your system. In this way, cloud costs can be optimized so that companies get to spend only on what is really being used.


  1. Cost savings

As mentioned previously, one of the advantages of cloud computing is also financial, because it avoids investments in expensive hardware and software, since the cloud provider offers the resources, usually, through a subscription fee.

An example of this is Dropbox or Google Drive, which offer file storage and sharing services efficiently and without any particularly special requirements, in addition to the internet connection itself.


  1. Security

Cloud companies invest heavily in cybersecurity in order to protect customer data by offering backups and data recovery without too much hassle.

It is true that a cloud-based system can be flawed, but overall, they are pretty robust and perceived as trustworthy by those who run them. And that’s one of the benefits of cloud computing.


  1. Collaboration

Cloud computing allows teams to collaborate in projects and share files easily and efficiently. And the most interesting thing about it is that this can be done in real time, only with the use of some easy, simple software, such as Miro, which allows such tasks to be performed collectively masterfully.

This functionality is what brings remote teams together and unleashes the creativity of professionals in order to create, together, incredible products and services.


  1. Automatic updates

Software and hardware updates are done automatically by the cloud system vendor, so users do not have to worry about it. Security updates, software improvements and any other significant changes are carried out without users noticing them in the background. 

And even when some critical functionality is planned, it can be restricted to a select group of users. That way, if needed, the entire base will receive the news safely only after the validation of the new version is performed.


  1. Disaster Recovery

Another important item i when it comes to the handling of urgent unplanned circumstances is called disaster recovery. It ensures data recovery in case of unforeseen events, such as fires, power failures or even when some equipment stops working all of a sudden.

This item (i.e. disaster recovery) is crucial in world of the Cloud and, once again, ensures that the service is robust enough to become more competitive than traditional physical servers which are situated in organizations.


Cloud computing examples

Although it is difficult to select the main examples of existing cloud computing, we have separated 8 options in order for you to understand how diverse this world can be. From entertainment services to data storage capabilities, there are many solutions that bet on this sort of technology use:

  1. Amazon Web Services (AWS): Provides a wide range of services, including data storage, data processing, analytics, artificial intelligence, and more;
  2. Microsoft Azure: Offers cloud solutions for enterprise applications and services, including analytics, database, storage, and application development;
  3. Google Cloud Platform: Offers a wide range of cloud services, including data storage, data processing, artificial intelligence, etc.;
  4. Salesforce: CRM software that offers solutions for customer relationship management, including sales automation, lead management, among others;
  5. Dropbox: Cloud file storage service that allows users to share and access files from anywhere provided there is an Internet connection;
  6. Slack: Business communication software that allows users to exchange messages, share files and hold video conferences all in one place;
  7. Zoom: Video conferencing platform that allows users to hold remote meetings, share their screens, and make audio calls in real time;
  8. Spotify: Music streaming service that allows users to access a vast library of music and podcasts in the cloud from mobile phones, computers, televisions, virtual assistants and a host of smart devices.


Did you like getting to know what cloud computing is and its benefits for companies? So, take the opportunity to also read: Open and closed innovation: concept, differences and benefits of each model

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