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What is Process Automation? Know the benefits and the basic steps to do it

Written by LogAp

Process automation is a natural evolution within any company that wants to grow and become more competitive. Through improvement through specialized equipment and software, it can literally transform a company’s routine.

But for this to be possible, it is essential to understand what process automation is and its benefits. Thus, the concept will be much more present and will gain the importance it deserves to be taken off the paper efficiently.

So, if you want to know more about this topic, keep reading to delve into the world of process automation. 

Good reading!

After all, what is process automation?

Process automation is the activity of integrating various business processes to increase the quality of a given job, in addition to reducing costs, errors and overall waste of resources.

In general, automation allows for more organization and predictability in the work routine, which increases production efficiency and, consequently, business results.

Typically, automation is done through specialized software for the task we want to improve. But depending on the type of business, the use of equipment can also help. So it is necessary to consider this reality when automating processes.

Despite this, automation is recommended for any business, whether it is a growing company or an established one in the market. So, let’s get to know the benefits of automation below.

What are the main benefits of process automation?

It is no secret that process automation is an indispensable tool for companies that want to grow with speed and high profitability. Despite this, many managers still do not recognize the benefits of process automation.

Given this scenario, let’s understand how it can really help your work routine with 7 advantages of use:

1. Enables the integration of areas

The first major benefit of process automation is the possibility of integration between areas. Through customized equipment and software, it is possible for different sectors to monitor and share results, facilitating teamwork and the search for results.

2. Optimize production

Shortening the production cycle, reducing errors and accelerating the overall speed of routine work are also very noticeable benefits in the automation process. This allows, in general, the company to become more efficient, profitable and, consequently, more competitive in its segment.

3. Identifies the points of misapplication of resources

The process of process optimization also helps to understand how resources are used. Thus, it is possible to identify where the production bottlenecks are, in addition to the places that generate the most waste. And knowledge, of course, can be used to eliminate unnecessary costs to boost the company’s profitability.

4. Standardizes the operation

Another important benefit of automation is the possibility of standardizing the operation, an essential resource for any company that seeks high performance. This standardization, in general, brings more organization and reduces the unpredictability of processes. With this, it is possible to make future projections with more assertiveness.

5. Display results in real time

Through state-of-the-art software, automated processes can display results in real time. This allows the operation’s managers to be able to make decisions faster and with higher quality, which is a great advantage for the company’s future.

6. Improves item tracking

Our penultimate benefit of automation shows that item tracking, particularly for physical items, is considerably improved in operation. Thus, when necessary, it is possible to identify and understand where, when and how a process did not behave as expected — which opens up the possibility of optimization.

7. Increases the company’s overall efficiency

And all the benefits listed above lead to the same consequence: increasing the company’s overall efficiency. With optimized, predictable and traceable processes, it is possible to act as a high-quality, more competitive, predictable and, above all, profitable operation in its segment.

How to automate processes: first steps

Now that we understand what process automation is and its benefits, let’s understand how to take the first steps towards evolution in your company. For this, we separate the main steps to start automating your routine:

Step 1: Process mapping

The first step of automation is to make the correct mapping of processes in your company. This will allow you to understand the operation to prioritize what needs more attention at that moment — although our recommendation is that all processes are optimized at some point.

Step 2: process prioritization

Now that we have the mapping complete, it’s time to prioritize the most critical processes for the operation. At that time, bet on the automation of what directly affects the quality of delivery to the customer and, in the same way, what is essential for business results to remain positive.

Step 3: action schedule

With the mapping and prioritization carried out, it is time to define the action schedule for automation. For this, it will be necessary to define the team responsible for the project and the “health” indicators that the automation is happening on time and with the expected quality.

Step 4: Automation tools

The penultimate step towards process automation is understanding which tools can help at each step. Equipment, bespoke software, training and other items should be considered at this time. So don’t skimp to make your business more efficient.

Step 5: Monitoring the automations

Finally, it is important to monitor the result of the automations implemented through quality indicators. They are the ones who will show through the data how the automation is reflected in the day to day of the business and if everything went as planned.

From this, some adjustments will possibly be necessary to refine the automation and, thus, extract the maximum performance from the operation. And it is also important to remember that, from time to time, it is important to do a check to identify new improvements in the day to day work.

Did you like learning about what process automation is, its benefits and the step by step we prepared on the subject? So, also take the opportunity to read this special content we prepared about open and closed innovation in.

Until the next one!

LOGAP is a bespoke software company for innovative businesses.

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