Capa do artigo "Teste de usabilidade em software: o que é, importância, tipos e boas práticas para executar"

Software usability testing: what it is, importance, types and best practices

Written by LogAp

The evolution and dependence of software for day-to-day use makes us question how we are developing high-level systems, especially with regard to product quality.

Speed, the amount of resources and information processing power are no longer the dominant items when we talk about software. Nowadays, the usability of the system counts a lot in order to please the demanding users of today’s world.

In order for this usability to be achieved, it is necessary to understand more about usability testing in software. From these tests, it is possible to identify errors and suggest important improvements.

Want to know more about it? Keep reading to understand what usability testing is, its importance, types, as well as some best practices. Enjoy!


What is software usability testing and what is its importance?

Software usability testing is a tool used for determining the simplicity and ease of use of computer programs and mobile device interfaces.

It is important because it is from testing that improvements to a system are made. In summary, software usability tests aim to raise product quality and, thus, reduce barriers to its use.

In considering the present day, where software use has become such an integral part of our routines, it is essential to pay attention to its usability. 

See also: UI Design: 10 Principles for Creating a Quality Product for the User


What is evaluated in a software usability test?

Now that you understand what usability testing in software is, as well as its importance, it’s time to understand what is evaluated during this process. Basically, we have 9 categories of items that are considered, in no particular order of importance:

  1. Software Efficiency

The efficiency test validates whether system performance, in all aspects, is appropriate for the user. In this sense, it is not enough to understand if the user can complete the task, but rather if this is done quickly and efficiently. 

  1. System Effectiveness

Additionally, effectiveness seeks to measure whether the user can complete the proposed task, without considering execution speed. This item is an add-on to the previous item, in which we want to validate if functionalities are both started and finalized.

  1. Error Message

It is common for systems to present operating errors at some point. As such, the software usability testing needs to ensure that all error messages during use are functional and clear, even for novice users.

  1. Text Adequacy 

Another important point of a system is the use of text that, in general, cannot be abbreviated or eliminated from the user experience. Therefore, the usability test with a focus on inadequacy aims to ensure that this point is correct.

  1. Information Relevance

One more crucial item for software quality lies in the relevance of information. In this case, usability tests will validate whether the interface, in general, shows only what is needed for the user, avoiding confusion from excess elements.

  1. Unexpected Response

Unexpected responses are also important points in usability tests, whereby system actions need to work the way they were planned, i.e., if the user clicked on button A to go to destination B, screen B is expected to open normally.

  1. Intuitiveness Level 

Intuitive systems should not rely on training for their use. This involves the good organization of software elements, which need to work intuitively so that any user, whether novice or experienced, can extract the best experience from the software.

  1. Number of clicks

In general, even complex systems should not need to hinder the life of the user and require a high number of clicks to achieve a goal. The user needs to access the features in a few clicks/taps, so that they do not feel frustrated and confused.

  1. Memorability

Finally, systems with good usability have interfaces that are easy to remember, where the user can find the functionalities easily, even after long periods without using the program.


Best practices for doing a good usability test in software

As we can see, software usability testing aims to evaluate various categories and behaviors within a system, as a bad experience can compromise user experience and ruin the product completely.

In order for these assessments to be well carried out, there are good practices, divided into steps, to test the system and reduce the chances of a problem occurring:

  • Planning: this involves defining the test objective, methodology and conditions for the test to add value to the team and generate powerful insights for product evolution;
  • Preparation: at this point, there should be alignment with test participants, who need a brief summary of what to expect during analysis;
  • Execution: this is where the execution of the usability testing actually occurs. This stage should happen within a pre-established timeframe without any kind of external interference; because the idea is to only get bias-free feedback to avoid the risk of harming the project;
  • Analysis: this is the stage where the data obtained will be analyzed and reviewed in order to understand what problems have been encountered by looking at the frequency with which they occur, as well as the severity and priority for solving them.


With all the categories mapped and the best practices applied above, we increase product usability quality and deliver the best user experience. This increases productivity and ensures that the system will be used to generate better results for the business.

That is, whether an expert developer or generalist, they should be concerned — as well as the entire team — with the usability of the final product they are putting on the market, as this is one of the elements that greatly increase the public’s perception of the quality of the system.

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