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Technologies for 2022: 7 highlights to know and learn this year

Written by LogAp

The innovations and concepts that emerge every year in the IT world show that the future can be much better with software, guidelines and new knowledge that are appearing on a recurring basis.

Artificial intelligence, chatbots, Blockchain, Metaverse and other innovations do not stop revolutionizing Information Technology. Therefore, it is essential to know the news so as not to be left behind.

That said, we prepared a special article on technologies for 2022, where we separate 7 items to know and learn this year. Want to know more? Keep reading until the end!


How was 2021 for information technology?

The year 2021 will be marked by the good news that have emerged in the world of technology. In Brazil, the 5G auction deserves an important highlight, as it brought us close to a true revolution in connectivity with the virtual world.

Around the world, we had the announcement of the metaverse, the rise (and fall) of Bitcoin values, the launch and scarcity of chips in the market — which impacted the sale of electronics and cars around the world.

But these items are just the highlights that are gaining more popularity with the mass. As we delve deeper into the world of IT, we discover that there is a lot appearing — and gaining a lot of relevance — in 2022.

Therefore, we have prepared a list of 7 items of technologies for 2022 to discover and, who knows, learn. Keep reading!


Discover the 7 most relevant technologies for 2022

1. Edge AI

Processing Artificial Intelligence algorithms directly from devices is a big trend for 2022. This concept, derived from Edge Computing, aims to run the software without necessarily relying on an external device or resource.

Thus, all data storage, management and processing is done on the device itself, which brings immense gains for users and companies. Have you ever thought about a personal assistant, like Alexa, that doesn’t depend on the internet to work? It would be fantastic.


2. Conversational systems

And speaking of personal assistants, we have a very important concept for 2022. The rise of conversational systems, whether through voice or text, also promises to grow significantly throughout the year.

Here, we can see chatbots and personal assistants, at home or on mobile devices, working to help with the most trivial day-to-day tasks. Whether in customer service, discovering information or even making a payment, conversational software has great potential to become even more popular.


chatbot illustration


3. Blockchain

Blockchain is one of the themes that is growing year after year and it is not exactly a newbie in 2022. The big difference is that this technology tends to be used far beyond the world of cryptocurrencies, where we will be able to see real applications in everyday problems.

And whether in a professional or personal scenario, we will see a great expansion of Blockchain in logistics, communication and even in leisure time, as is the already established case of electronic games.

Anyway, this is just another step of Blockchain’s contribution to the technological world, where we will see many practical and useful applications emerging.


4. Shift left

With the growth of digital applications, we also have the popularization of a concept from the DevOps world that aims to bring more quality to modern systems. This concept is called Shift left and impacts the software development cycle.

And even though it’s not a new technology, Shift left works directly in the area.

For that, we need a little context. The traditional software process can be thought of as a line running from left to right. On the left, we have the planning and design of the product, while on the right, we have the operational and monitoring part of the system.


Shift Left Testing Board

Example of using Shift left (Testim)


Thus, it is precisely at the “end” of the development cycle that, traditionally, the testing processes took place — which generated several problems and vulnerabilities for the software produced.

As a result, the DevOps community adopted Shift left to act precisely at the beginning of the system’s development. In other words, the concern with quality now happens in the initial stages and this allows the construction of better applications.


5. Kubernetes

Another technology from the DevOps world, Kubernetes will continue to grow in 2022, thanks to the simplicity and power that its containers provide for information technology and, of course, software development.

With a structure prepared to take care of the application’s scaling and recovery from failure, Kubernetes provides deployment patterns, load balancing, auto-corrections and other crucial points for the development of robust systems.

Thus, it provides more flexibility and agility to the developer, as well as greater productivity in the creation and implementation of systems.


6. Metaverse

Despite having been announced in 2021, the Metaverse will continue to appear in 2022. The use of augmented reality is the technology’s greatest asset, but it still needs to be validated in real cases for the predictions to be confirmed.

In this sense, one of the great promises is the revolution in meetings, which can mix physical and virtual presence, as needed. But we have other interesting use cases, such as application in shows, events, car simulators and other experiences that demand depth and immersion.

See more on the topic:

Explainer: What is the ‘metaverse’? – Reuters


7. Microinteractions

Microinteractions are not necessarily new, but they have gained importance in recent years with the growth of UI/UX in technology, precisely because it considerably improves users’ experience with their products.

This concept consists of creating actions that help the user, often imperceptibly, to situate himself during the use of a product or system. Thus, although discrete, microinteractions transform the simple into the extraordinary, as we will see below.

The car’s turn signal noise, when activated, for example, is a micro-interaction that goes unnoticed, but it plays a fundamental role for the driver: showing that the vehicle’s turn signal is activated and that, at the ideal moment, it should be deactivated so as not to affect the behavior of other drivers.

Based on this principle, the concept can also be applied to mobile apps, whether it is a response through vibration or a small audible alert during an interaction. Regardless of the timing, microinteractions will be increasingly used and promise to stand out as one of the technologies for 2022 we should keep an eye on.

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