Time reunido na metodologia squad

Squad methodology: what it is, how it works and what are the main benefits for technology companies

Written by LogAp

The squad methodology is an extremely useful model for technology companies that want to extract the most from their professionals and, consequently, grow exponentially and conquer market.

Companies like Spotify, Apple, Google and Microsoft use the methodology successfully on a daily basis, precisely because of the benefits it brings. But these tech giants need not be the only cases of practical action.

So if you want to know what the squad methodology is, how it works, and of course the main practical benefits for tech companies, keep reading this special content until the end. Good reading!


What is the squad methodology?

The squad methodology consists of creating teams of professionals with different skills and experiences. In this way, it is possible to unite different capabilities for the pursuit of common goals in a dynamic, effective and high-quality way in general.

Thus, programmers can work with designers, product analysts, marketers, planners, copywriters and many other technology professionals. All in favor of better overall delivery.

And the benefits of this model, which we will go into further below, are quite noticeable and undeniable. The squad methodology allows for faster deliveries, with higher quality and, mainly, more aligned with the company’s objectives.

In addition, equality between professionals is a fundamental element in the squad methodology, as the entire management process is treated horizontally. That is, all members of a squad are treated with the same level of responsibility — even if there are leaders to guide the team.


How does the squad methodology and its divisions work?

The functioning of the squad methodology is very simple, but still, it needs to be explained to avoid any kind of confusion. So, let’s understand how this concept is divided into the areas of Tribes, Chapters and Guilds.



The Tribes are composed of professionals focused on the same objective, whether for the development of a functionality, creation of a marketing campaign or for the improvement of a service process.

In this case, the Tribes can communicate in the best possible way and exchange extremely valuable experiences that help the project’s full development.



Chapters are also part of the squad methodology and work with groups of professionals who have the same interest, but work in different tribes. Together they work to evolve a concept to benefit routine work.

As an example, we can talk about front-end developers who work in different tribes, but work together in a Chapter to improve the processes of their role. This provides the evolution of this group of professionals and, consequently, the quality of deliveries.



Finally, within the squad methodology, we have professionals from different squads with interests in a certain subject. These professionals do not need to occupy the same functions, that is, we have a scenario where developers, attendants, designers, salespeople, among other professionals, for example, exchange different knowledge.

This is the case for groups of professionals who want to learn about user experience, or copywriting, email marketing, functional development, etc. In guilds the focus is always on a tool/skill of interest to heterogeneous professionals.


Benefits of the squad methodology for companies

As we talked about previously, the squad methodology provides many benefits for companies that bet on this resource. That said, let’s get to know them more, below:


Greater productivity

Teams that promote the interaction of professionals from different areas have a considerable increase in productivity. That’s because the different skills and worldviews are essential to make better use of resources and, thus, promote more agility in everyday life.


Greater engagement

The exchange between professionals also causes more engagement between the teams and the specialist with their function. Thus, when more involved with the routine, these professionals tend to have more performance and quality in their delivery;


Resource optimization

The squad methodology also helps in optimizing the resources spent by the teams, as the professionals involved are able to cooperate with each other to extract the most from the available investments.


Improvement in the quality of deliveries

One brain can obviouvly generate a lot of ideas but many brains are of course more efficent. Therefore, the squad methodology tends to make the deliveries happen with more quality in general.

Thus, as we could see, the use of multidisciplinary IT teams is highly relevant for high-performance companies. In this sense, we have one of the most classic examples of success when using the methodology: Spotify’s squads.

Check out the video below to understand this case and also briefly understand how to assemble a squad efficiently:


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