Equipe da empresa de software construindo um sistema

Solution Factories: learn how a software company works

Written by LogAp

Since the time you woke up today, how many apps and programs have you used to solve personal and work issues? The use of digital tools is so incorporated into the routine that you may not even realize how much technology you use throughout the day. Behind every application, system, and functionality there is a software company involved in developing solutions to optimise tasks and increase productivity for people and businesses.

When you think about a software company, what image comes to your mind? A place with a lot of programmers who understand all about codes and number combinations? They are there, but the teams that create software are not just made of nerds! Systems, applications, and programs factories are companies that bring together people ready to solve problems and develop solutions, thus, the more diversity for the engineering, commercial and service team, the better!


The turn of start-ups

Software companies have gained more visibility in recent years when they also became known as start-ups. These deals arise from a market need, often perceived by someone in the area, who decides to develop a system to offer features and gain space.

In more and more opportunities, it is possible to find engineers who left the land and buildings to develop applications and software with solutions for builders and developers. In other cases, programming specialists develop data analysis techniques and can serve large companies dealing with a large amount of information and which, when organised, offer more intelligence for decision making among their directors.


Software company delivers solutions

A software company is a solutions factory. It is in such an organisation that businesses of all sizes will be able to find services to optimise customer service, the financial sector, production, and after-sales.

When a company needs a system to make information compatible, gather data, organise demands, delegate tasks and generate performance reports, the best way is to look for a service that offers management solutions.


bespoke technologies to boost your company


The great advantage of the current moment of growth of this type of service is that it becomes more accessible to have a solution customized for your business. Currently, it is possible to find software and programs that are already created and can be adjusted according to your company’s needs, making the service cheaper and relying on the support of service providers specialised in this type of activity.


When the solution becomes the main business

With this mentality of offering solutions to problems, large companies began to emerge in the last decade, such as the giants Uber, Airbnb and Just Eat, for example.

With an eye on the gaps that the transport, accommodation, and delivery markets were leaving for people, these businesses came up with the proposal of offering the resolution of a “pain”.

Uber, one of the largest transport companies in the world, has developed a system that manages to integrate people who want to work with people who need faster and more accessible travel. What seemed like a free ride is now a source of income for thousands of people around the world, and the freedom to come and go for so many others who no longer need to own their own cars.

Thus, a software company can develop solutions that will provide better management of supermarket inventory or even become an important part of the economy of entire cities. Both scenarios are possible and attainable.


Automate to grow

One of the great bets of systems developed in software companies is process automation. In a world where things happen more and more quickly and connected, the more artificial intelligence and applied automation, the more efficient the system will be.

Contrary to what many people might imagine, automation and the use of software are not the villains of the story, which came to eliminate people’s work, on the contrary. The use of automation systems allows the work of company employees to be used more strategically.

In a financial sector, for example, instead of having an employee to enter tax information in a spreadsheet, it is possible to train that same employee to analyse the data that the system offers after being fed in an automated way.


The future has already begun

For companies that rely on the service of automation solutions and use, the future is already happening. If you have a business and want to achieve more results in management, sales, HR development, technology, strategic planning, or something more specific and unique in your sector, you need to know solutions that offer improvements for your segment, and this is possible for everyone the business areas.

Want to learn more about custom software development or fully created for your business? Talk to our experts and find out more.

LOGAP is a bespoke software company for innovative businesses.

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