O que é Robotic Process Automation (RPA), onde é usado e principais benefícios

What is Robotic Process Automation (RPA), where it is used, and main benefits

Written by LogAp

In today’s business world, automation has become a buzzword when it comes to optimizing processes and increasing efficiency. One of the technologies that has gained prominence in this context is Robotic Process Automation or RPA.

But what is RPA and how can it help your business grow? In this article, we will explore the definition of RPA, its applications, and the benefits it can provide. Read on until the end!

What is Robotic Process Automation (RPA)?

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a technology that uses software robots in order to automate repetitive, manual, and rule-based tasks, often performed by humans.

These robots are capable of mimicking human actions, such as reading and interpreting data, manipulating applications, navigating systems, and making decisions based on predefined criteria. This allows companies to increase efficiency and productivity while reducing errors and operating costs.

RPA can be applied in a variety of industries and departments, from finance and human resources to customer service and logistics. If there is a mechanical and repetitive process, it will become a strong candidate for automation.

Read also: What is process automation? Get to know the benefits and basic steps in order to do it

Key Benefits and Use Examples of Robotic Process Automation

Robotic Process Automation has the potential to transform the way companies conduct their processes, driving greater efficiency, cost savings and a better experience for customers.

In order to better understand this, we will now check out the 6 main benefits of RPA, as well as real examples of its application.

1. Increased productivity

By automating repetitive and manual tasks with RPA, professionals can focus on higher value-added activities.

Companies like Vivo, for example, have implemented RPA in order to automate tasks such as order validation and invoice processing. In addition to improving the efficiency of the process, the company can also reduce its most common mistakes.

2. Error reduction

Allowing bureaucratic and repetitive tasks to be done by computers drastically reduces the chance of errors, which — of course — raises the quality of deliverables.

For example, the bank ANZ (Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited) has implemented RPA in order to automate financial reconciliation tasks. Automating these processes has reduced human errors and improved data accuracy and reporting quality.

3. Saving time and investment

Efficient companies seek to accomplish tasks in less time and with fewer resources, which helps reduce operating costs and optimize the allocation of funds, and both of these benefits can be achieved with Robotic Process Automation.

As a practical example, American Express Global Business Travel has implemented RPA in order to automate the processing of travel and expense reimbursements, saving time and resources that were previously spent manually on these processes.

4. Better customer experience

With faster and more efficient processes, customers benefit from a more agile and personalized service, resulting in greater satisfaction and loyalty. And this can also be achieved with RPA technology.

On this topic, we have the example of the online retail company Ocado, which used RPA in order to automate the resolution of delivery problems, such as incorrect or delayed orders.

This allowed the company to respond more quickly to customer concerns and offer customized solutions, resulting in greater customer satisfaction — and consequent growth of the brand as a whole.

5. Better ability to analyze data and make decisions

Another benefit of Robotic Process Automation is the ability to collect and analyze large volumes of data faster and more accurately, enabling more informed and data-driven decision making.

This was the case for Experian, which implemented RPA in order to automate the collection and analysis of customer data, resulting in more informed and data-driven decision making.

In practice, this innovation has enabled Experian to provide more accurate and useful information to customers, improving the quality of its services as a whole.

6. Greater control

The last benefit we will discuss here concerns the greater control that RPA can provide. In practice, it helps companies ensure compliance with regulations and internal policies, as software robots follow pre-defined rules and guidelines, keeping an auditable record of all activities performed.

For example, the pharmaceutical company Pfizer has implemented RPA processes in order to ensure compliance with industry regulations such as product traceability and data security.

By automating these fundamental processes, the company has been able to maintain an auditable record of all activities carried out, ensuring greater control over its production and inventory.


As we have seen, RPA is a tool used in order to automate bureaucratic processes and allow professionals to act on more complex tasks on a day-to-day basis. It is a great innovation to make the company more productive and competitive in the market.

And although its implementation might not be an easy task, when it comes to RPA, rest assured that the effort and benefits gained make such process more than worth it. This way, your company can act solely focused on what it does best, instead of getting stuck in smaller problems.

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