Bancos de dados relacional e não relacional comparados

Relational and non-relational database: types, characteristics and how to choose

Written by LogAp

Storing information has always been a big challenge for the information technology area. With the digital evolution in full growth these days, we have a wide range of devices that generate data every second.

Just to give you an idea, in 2010 the world generated approximately 5 trillion Gigabytes. As early as 2021, the estimate was 40 trillion Gigabytes, that is, we are generating more data than ever and, therefore, it is necessary to store it safely somewhere.

That said, we have a scenario where databases are more relevant than ever. Between relational and non-relational databases, there are several alternatives to store and access data with speed and security.

With this scenario, it is important to know the types of database, their characteristics and how to choose the best option — given your reality. So if you’re interested in the topic, learn all about databases in the special article we created. Good reading!


Database Types

It is essential to understand that there are different types of databases, even if the purpose of each choice is the same: to store information and, in due course, have the data retrieved and used.

So, let’s get to know the two most famous types, in addition to a new category that has been growing slowly these days.


1. SQL, the relational database

The relational database is based on the use of tables. These tables are made up of rows and columns that can be related. By the way, this is the great benefit of this type of database: providing valuable relationships for data recovery and understanding.

To understand the concept of relational database more deeply, we can use an Excel spreadsheet as a basis. In this sense, each database table would be a file that, in turn, is composed of lines and columns — where we can store information in text and images.

So, each component of your database would be a unique and exclusive file, which is related through the columns of the table. This “binding” creates integrity to the DBMS and provides more consistency in data handling.




2. NoSQL, the non-relational database

The non-relational database (NoSQL), as its name suggests, stores data that — in theory — are not strongly related to each other. In this case, tables give way to data collections, which allow for “less conventional” storage than the type we talked about in the previous topic.

An example is the need to store images on a social network. While this task is more “complex” for the relational database, NoSQL accomplishes the mission with extreme ease and, to top it off, without compromising performance.

As for storage, NoSQL does not need to create an individual table for each item saved in the database. Its data collections store all the data at once, which makes it easier to write and read information.


3. NewSQL, the mixed database

Lastly, we have a new category on the market, which is known as NewSQL. Here, the idea is to take the best of relational and non-relational databases to form an extremely practical, secure and functional tool.

NewSQL’s premise is to be an extremely adaptable technology for systems, without pre-determining a single solution for the software created. That is, NewSQL adapts to every need without compromising security and performance.

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How to choose between relational and non-relational database?

Now that we understand what is a relational and non-relational database, it’s time to understand which is the best database for companies. And here, unfortunately, there is no single answer to that question. The choice will depend exclusively on the system to be developed.

If we need more consistency in relationships, as we can see in ERP or CRM software, we may need a relational database. Thus, entities will be ready to operate with integrity in the information.

NoSQL, on the other hand, is recommended for applications where consistency is not the most important factor — albeit an important one — and, above all, where performance is a critical factor. If a lot of data is being stored and retrieved, it can be extremely important to rely on non-relational technology to meet the demand.

We also have NewSQL, which promises to provide the versatility of the two technologies mentioned above and, thus, solve the problem of compatibility, consistency and performance. It is the union of the two worlds to solve data storage problems in current technology.

However, the only certainty we have is that the architecture of a software must be created based on the real needs of the project. This flexible format will, in general, bring more quality to the system and also fully satisfy the users of the application.

Whether for databases, front-end frameworks or programming languages, it is essential to have many possibilities to build more mature and fit-for-purpose systems.

Therefore, we recommend that the choice of database be made based on the project’s needs. So it will be much safer to opt for SQL or NoSQL and, in fact, create robust, secure, and performant systems.

LOGAP is a bespoke software company for innovative businesses.

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