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Flutter x React Native x Xamarin: what is the best platform for mobile engagement?

Written by LogAp

The world of mobile development is growing constantly and, with that, the solutions to make the creation of apps more agile and secure.

For that, there are frameworks that allow the creation of a single code for main platforms of the market, Android and iOS, which will make the launch of applications easier without compromising the end user experience.

That said, let’s learn more about the three main solutions in the market: Flutter, React Native and Xamarin. Continue reading to understand the concept of these frameworks, in addition to their main features.

What is Flutter?

Flutter is a framework, based on the Dart language, for the development of native mobile applications, whether for Android or iOS. From blocks or widgets, you can quickly assemble interfaces and meet the visual requirements of each platform.

What are the main features and advantages of Flutter?

The Flutter framework isn’t “making noise” for nothing. In addition to being simple, when compared to other tools with the same functions, it has important features for developers—and consequently for end users.

Because of that it doesn’t matter what the developer’s preferred operating system is: Flutter can be used for mobile development, according to their preference.

Rendered widgets

With the rendered widgets you can have full control over the appearance of the mobile application if the visual guidelines of each system are respected. Thus, developers can create aesthetics that are a better fit with the brand of the customers.

And even if there are visual changes in The O.S. you can update Flutter’s libraries without trouble. That way, apps won’t be outdated in their appearance.

Mobile cross-platform

Another interesting point is that the code developed in Flutter can run on any mobile system, Android, or iOS. This way, a single base code is created and distributed to the existing operating systems.

This will help save time and “manpower” resources to build and maintain an application up-to-date and bug-free.

Access to device resources

Flutter is also able to go beyond the basics to fully integrate systems where it is present. This means that access to memory, camera, Bluetooth and WIFI devices are simplified for the apps to have a better quality.

Therefore, Flutter applications don’t have limitations to deliver the best experience for users, whether in the software or device experience.

Better performance 

In conclusion, we have an above average performance when it comes to frameworks for mobile development. And in flutter’s case, this is possible by transforming Dart code into native target system code with better assertiveness.

In this sense, basically every code created with Flutter does not require adaptations to the system. You can reuse the code on Android and iOS, in some cases without changes, which will positively impact the speed of the software.

This is proven by comparing Flutter with some performance testing and other platforms —and even with native systems development. In this case, Flutter was faster than Swift (programming language for Apple devices) and React Native.

Also, when tested on Android devices, Flutter was very close to the native languages, Java and Kotlin, in performance and again, better than React Native. This shows that cross-platform development with this framework can be a good choice.

After learning more about Flutter, it’s time to explore the two main competitors, React Native and Xamarin.

What is React Native?

React Native is a mobile framework derived from React, a front-end framework developed and popularized by Facebook. Like it’s competitors, with React Native you can produce a single code, in JavaScript, for Android and iOS.

What are the main features and advantages of React Native?

React Native has been on the market longer than Flutter, and less than Xamarin, because of that, a good part of the applications in production have been done with React Native. However, it is not only about how long it has been in the market that makes a difference in the adoption of users, but it’s very interesting features:

JavaScript (JS)

One of the most popular languages of recent years is the “good news” for developers who choose React Native. In addition to large community support, developers already working with JS will have no difficulty migrating to mobile development.

Because it is a JavaScript code, React Native supports Microsoft’s CodePush service, which allows you to update the app without shipping for approval in the app stores.

Native user interface

The native user interface allows the use of original components from operating systems, which will reduce the need for updating when new versions of iOS and Android are released.

Despite this convenience, the visual update of the system can still “break” the application, for that the developers will have to be vigilant to avoid this user disorder.

Mobile cross-platform

Even though it has less flexibility than Flutter, almost all codes that are developed in React Native can be reused for Android and iOS. With minor adjustments, you can quickly adapt these gaps to launch native apps for mobile systems.

This means that with React Native, the productivity of the company can increase since there is no need for a team that is dedicated to each platform. 

Extensive component library

Because it is a very mature framework, React Native offers an extensive component library that can be easily reused. That way you don’t have to spend time creating resources from scratch: what you need has possibly already been created by another developer. Which is a big advantage when compared to Flutter because the development time of the software would be shorter.

Increased time and market maturity

This is a small but important advantage of React Native, that has been released in the market longer and consequently the base of developers is substantial. That makes it easier to get help with answers and support for questions; which is essential in the developer’s community.

This condition may change over time since Flutter has attracted more attention in recent years. Even so, with a larger and more mature community, React Native would still have quality to be in the market for years.

Now it’s time to know more about the last tool for mobile development: Xamarin.

What is Xamarin?

Xamarin is Microsoft’s open-source mobile development framework, being one of the first launched options on the market. Despite being bought by Big Tech in 2016, Xamarin has been a development platform since 2011.

What are the main features and advantages of Xamarin?

Xamarin has had several transformations since it was created but currently can compete with Flutter and React Native more equally. And that is possible because of its main characteristics, that you can see below: 

Mobile cross-platform

Like Flutter and React Native, Xamarin works well on Android and iOS platforms. This is possible because it brings the platform closer to the native code of each system, which considerably increases the quality of the app.

However, it is necessary to make adjustments to operate on Android and iOS, and that will require more dedication of the development team.

Development of user interfaces

For the visual part, Xamarin has a great advantage that makes it possible for designers to deliver better visual creations, especially for simple interfaces, since they can combine Microsoft Visual Studio and Xamarin Studio.

Read also: UI Design: 10 Principles for Creating a Quality Product for the User

Complete suite for development

Xamarin has a complete platform to build an app, where all the tools available are enough for its creation. Microsoft Visual Studio, .Net, C# and Xamarin Studio will be a powerful combination for app development.

Flutter x React Native x Xamarin: what is the best platform for mobile development?

As there are many variables when choosing between Flutter, React Native, or Xamarin, this is a hard question to answer, since those frameworks have similar characteristics. For that reason, we made a summary to try to make it easier to pick one.

  • Flutter
    Better choice for those who need agility when creating and maintaining mobile apps, since this framework was created for it. The code created by Flutter is compatible with Android and IOS and has better performance than its competitors. 
  • React Native
    the productivity of the developers can be enhanced since RN has a community that can help. RN also uses JavaScript language which makes it easier for the professionals that are already used to working with it.
  • Xamarin
    If your focus is user interface, and simple app development Xamarin should be your choice, this framework will provide a good experience. But Xamarin’s code will need more updates, which can be a deal breaker in your choice. 

You can also make your choice based on the market. Data from Google Trends shows that Flutter has the most interest, with React Native second and Xamarin last. Check out the chart with data from the past 5 years.

At LogAp we prefer Flutter and React Native, but we do understand that there is no right answer for mobile development. Therefore, we recommend that you learn more about the frameworks listed here to understand how they would meet the needs of your business.
Did you like the content? You can learn more about frameworks here:  Find out what is the best front-end framework: Vue vs React vs Angular

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