DAST e SAST: conceito, usos, benefícios e principais ferramentas

DAST and SAST: concept, uses, benefits and main tools

Written by LogAp

We currently live in a digital age where systems security is ever more crucial. With the increasing complexity of software applications, ensuring security has become progressively more challenging.

In this scenario, terms such as DAST and SAST have become essential in the field of software security. Although both are security testing strategies, they differ in their approach and functioning.

Want to know more about this universe in order to understand both terms? So, keep reading the article we have prepared. Enjoy! 

What is DAST?

DAST, or Dynamic Application Security Testing, is a security approach that tests software applications in their running state or in real time. It is a “black box” technique as it does not require access to the source code of the application.

DAST is used in order to identify vulnerabilities that can be exploited while running the application. In practice, it involves external attacks to the system that are simulated in order to detect security flaws.

And the good news is that DAST can be applied to all types of applications, regardless of the programming language used.

Talking about the tools, we have the following options to apply DAST in your development routine:

  1. OWASP ZAP (Zed Attack Proxy): ZAP is one of the most popular security testing tools available. It is an open-source project maintained by OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project) and is widely used by developers and penetration testers in order to identify security vulnerabilities in web applications;
  2. Burp Suite: This is an advanced security testing platform for web applications. Burp Suite offers a number of tools, with each contributing to the test or attack phase in a particular way
  3. Netsparker: Netsparker is a security testing tool that automatically finds XSS, SQL Injection and other vulnerabilities in web applications and web services;
  4. Veracode: Veracode offers a DAST solution that can find and fix security vulnerabilities throughout your application environment.

What are the main benefits of DAST?

DAST offers the advantage of identifying security vulnerabilities that can only be detected in real time during application execution. In addition, it allows development teams to fix issues before they become severe.

DAST also helps ensure compliance with safety regulations, and can in many ways contribute to improving the end-user experience. However, in isolation, DAST cannot prevent all system failures.

And that’s when SAST comes in, which we’ll get to know next.

What is SAST?

SAST, or Static Application Security Testing, is a “white box” technique that analyzes the source code of an application for security vulnerabilities. SAST occurs during the development phase, before the code is executed.

SAST is used in order to examine the source code of an application before it is compiled and executed. In practice, it looks for problematic code patterns that can lead to security vulnerabilities.

Thus, SAST can detect security flaws earlier in the development lifecycle, allowing for quick fixes and, consequently, less waste of business-critical resources.

SAST main tools for developers are listed below:

  1. SonarQube: SonarQube is an open-source tool that automates code review in order to detect bugs, problematic code, and security vulnerabilities in more than 20 programming languages;
  2. Checkmarx: Checkmarx is a software security platform that includes SAST among its many offerings. It is widely adopted and supports a variety of programming languages;
  3. Veracode Static Analysis: Veracode Static Analysis is another tool that provides automated static security tests in order to identify vulnerabilities in your code;
  4. Coverity: The Synopsys tool that provides fast and accurate static analysis in order to detect and fix defects, security vulnerabilities, and written code compliance.

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What is the main benefit of SAST?

The main benefit of SAST is the early detection of vulnerabilities in the source code. This allows security flaws to be fixed before the product is released, saving time and resources.

In addition, SAST can improve code quality and facilitate compliance with security standards.

What are the main differences between DAST and SAST?

The main difference between DAST and SAST is in when and how they are used. DAST tests the application during execution, while SAST analyzes the source code during the development phase.

In addition, DAST has a “black box” approach, with no access to the source code, while SAST has a “white box” approach, with access to the code, as mentioned earlier.

It is important to reinforce that a robust security strategy uses both approaches. While DAST can detect problems that arise only during execution, SAST can identify flaws in the code that can be fixed before the system is used.

Do you understand what DAST and SAST are?

In conclusion, DAST and SAST are vital tools for security in software development. Both play important roles, identifying vulnerabilities at different stages of the development lifecycle.

Although they both have their peculiarities in the way they are applied, the truth is that DAST and SAST are more effective when used together. The combination of these two testing techniques can lead to more complete and robust security coverage, promoting a safer environment for users.

The implementation of these strategies, however, requires a clear understanding of their purposes and functionalities. That is why it is essential for development teams to familiarize themselves with these tools and know how to use them efficiently.

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