The Athenas’s Plant Case: efficiently storing and processing millions of data points

Written by LogAp

In a world that is increasingly connected and capable of generating large volumes of information sets, it is essential to have robust solutions prepared to meet specific needs.

This is the case of the Athenas Plant system, developed by LogAp, capable of storing and processing millions of pieces of information (from time series) without major difficulties — which is quite a challenge to overcome.

So, if you want to get to know more details about this technological innovation, keep reading this article until the end.



A Brief Context of Big Data and IoT in the Industry 4.0

As technology advances, it is essential to create ways to harness its full potential. And in the case of Industry 4.0, this means managing data efficiently and usefully in order to empower business management decisions.

For this, technologies such as Big Data and the Internet of Things can be used to create a competitive differential and, mainly, a positive impact on business results.

In Big Data in Industry 4.0, there is the handling of several million data points to optimize decision making and improve the company’s strategy, in addition to maintaining industrial operation acting
with high efficiency.

The collection of these data sets, among several sources, happens through IoT technologies, such as smart devices, sensors and specialized equipment.

Together, these tools move operations to a new level for both operating and financial results.

Related content: What is the Internet of Things? Learn about the main advantages, examples and applications of IoT


What is Athenas Plant and what is its purpose?

Athenas Plant is a process and indicator historian software, capable of storing large volumes of data and retrieving it efficiently. In order to do this, proprietary data structure is used, combined with a NoSQL database.

These features allow for greater speed for queries and data inserts, as well as a disk space saving, in order to store all the necessary information.

And for this to be possible, Athenas Plant relies on:

  • Decentralized architecture: data storage and processing are divided into system nodes, which allows the best use of resources, in addition to dividing the software’s operation effort;
  • Horizontal scalability: you can expand processing and storage by inserting more nodes to increase system capacity and amount of information worked as needed;
  • Simplified usability: all software management is done via the web in a single location of easy access and simplified usability for system managers.


Benefits of Athenas Plant

For such a system to operate, some features that make the software efficient in its day-to-day work are
needed. In this sense, Athenas stands out in 3 ways: speed, security and data centralization.

In the case of the first item, speed, Athenas can manage the mass of data very quickly, whether in the storage or query of the information. This is important in order to power other systems and improve decision making in general.

If speed is an important factor, data security is another highlight of Athenas. This means that the millions of records stored follow best protection practices, so that only authorized individuals have access to the information.

Finally, we have data centralization, an essential resource for speeding up access to information, as well as creating a single “source of truth” with regard to the data collected.

That is, a single database provides all the information necessary for industrial operation.


How is Athenas structured?

In order for all tasks to run perfectly, Athenas Plant works with 3 well-defined modules responsible for a set of functions.

Thus, updates and maintenance can be done punctually and efficiently, already directed to the module responsible for the needed process. Let’s get to know them:

  1.  Athenas Collector: This is the module responsible for data collection, which can come from various sources — SCADA System, PLCs, Database, Sensors, etc.
  2.  Athenas Server: This is the module responsible for processing and storing the data. Here, it is important that the data is saved quickly and completely, so that it can be retrieved efficiently;
  3. Athenas Manager: This is the module responsible for managing the entire system, which happens via web interface focused on maximum usability for the user.


Example of Athenas’ plant architecture in stages (data collection, storage,
and management)



Case Example: CAERN

Now that we understand the theory, it’s time to see how all of this can be applied. In order to do that, we
can look at the case of the Water and Sewage Company of Rio Grande do Norte State in Northeast Brazil (CAERN).

In this company, Athenas Plant is responsible for efficiently storing the data of basic sanitation processes in Rio Grande do Norte (RN).

The system’s use license forecasts for the monitoring of more than 15,000 variables of the company’s simple and complex processes. In order to successfully achieve such a task, the Athenas Plant is installed in the central unit of CAERN.

This allows for greater predictability of problems, which can be identified before they actually happen,
as well as greater agility for repairs and interventions in the system should those be needed.

Therefore, it is the intelligent use of the millions of records generated daily that enables high-quality work by CAERN.

Thus, should your company need this particular kind of intelligence in order to improve the efficiency of its operations, in addition to increasing competitiveness before its market, be sure to bring your need to us.

With a team of specialists in the area, we as LogAp are able to create unique solutions for your business. Get in touch with us right now.

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