Capa do artigo "Engenharia de alienação e sistema ALIEN: como a LogAp desenvolveu uma solução personalizada para a CHESF"

Alienation engineering and ALIEN system: how LogAp developed a customized solution for CHESF

Written by LogAp

It is a challenge for Brazilian companies to properly discard unused materials and scraps. Even though selling the items is an option, managing the process from collection to delivery can consume extremely valuable resources.

However, even if still challenging, there are ways to create intelligent solutions that will facilitate the steps of disposal of materials, also known as “materials alienation”. LogAp developed one of these solutions for an important client.

This is another LogAp case of success. Understand the initial problems, the solution that was created and the benefits achieved since the innovation implementation in 2021.

The Problem: What to do with unused materials?

Material waist is a huge headache in companies. And for “Hidro Elétrica do São Francisco (CHESF)” it is not different, they had to find a way to overcome this reality.   

In addition to the destination for the waste, managing the requests, space, fees, and transportation, it can take a lot of time and money to accomplish.

Therefore, having a software solution grew as a necessity. After partnering with LogAp, CHESF was able to find a solution to make the waste management faster.  

The Solution: ALIEN system for disposal of materials

The ALIEN system can be complex, but still is able to fulfill the client’s needs and with an end-to-end process, revolutionized the waste management problem, giving the best destination for discarded materials.

Alien System Objective and Benefits

Material alienation is an essential process for CHESF. By selling the materials generated by the company, it is possible to raise important funds for the business’s financial health.

The ALIEN system was created to make the alienation process more efficient by being able to manage almost all steps from request to material release,which are all directly integrated to SAP. The only part of the process that is not done by the software is the auction, even though after the materials are sold, taxes, payment registration, delivery schedule can be done in ALIEN.  

Consequently, the implementation benefits are:

  • Extra revenue for the company
  • Reduced storage costs of unused materials
  • Better materials management, from sales request to shipping
  • Centralized information
  • Agility conducting the alienation processes
  • Ecologically sustainable material disposal

Main project results

Since it’s implementation in September 2021, in addition to facilitating the disposal of materials, some very interesting numbers have been conquered since then:

  • More than 320 employees registering or approving material alienation
  • More than 1,352 disposal requisitions, accounting for more than 7,800 items
  • More than 239 material lots created

Those numbers were registered in a few months after CHESF start using the system, and surely will keep improving and optimizing resources.

Furthermore, the ALIEN system development continues to bring more resources for the customer. Currently, analytics modules, for data extraction, are being developed to help the company managers. 

Video presentation of the solution. Source: CHESF’s official YouTube channel.

Read also : Mapping of industrial processes: concept, import and 9 steps to do in the company

Customized software is on LogAp

The partnership with CHESF is another successful case of LogAp, which uses all its software development expertise to create solutions tailored to customer needs.

Another case was the bespoke software developed for EMPARN, which is helping more than 213,000 rural workers in Rio Grande do Norte to better handle climate volatility.

And if you need a specific solution to your business reality, be sure to access the site and bring your challenge to us. It would be our pleasure to offer a high quality solution to all your business needs.

LOGAP is a bespoke software company for innovative businesses.

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